November 16th 2020 marks 10 years in business for Kohala Burger and Taco!
During these times we find it hard to “celebrate” when we know how much others are hurting. We ourselves are barely treading water financially. It is even harder as we watch the nation fall farther behind in the management of the current pandemic. So many have lost so much.
We are very happy though, to still be in business! It is amazing that a community so small as Kawaihae could come together and support each other. We are now more than ever grateful for the little business we have and it really seems like things are slowly improving on that front.
Instead of a celebration let me instead send a Mahalo! Mahalo to our suppliers, Mahlao to our staff past and present and most importantly Mahalo to you…our guest.
Very few of us will ever do anything for 10 years but it has truly been a pleasure and we hope we may be able to serve you for another 10.
Please be well, God bless and play it safe out there,
Chef Cary and KBAT Crew
Chef Cary circa 2010